Explore the up-to-date, online encyclopedia from Encyclopedia Britannica, featuring more than 120,000 articles, biographies, videos, images, daily updates, and links to new reports from The New York Times and the BBC. |
Brainfuse HelpNow is a unique tutoring and study suite, designed for patrons of all ages. It provides high quality academic support and continually strives to meet student needs through innovative features and services. Spanish speaking tutors also available to assist ESL learners. |
EBSCO Research & Reference provides access to avast array of research and information databases, including Explora magazines, biographies, and newspapers, Explora Research for K-12 students, Academic Search Premier, Legal Information Reference Center, and more. |
NewsBank provides access to current, full-text articles published in local and national newspapers including the Yakima Herald-Republic, The Seattle Times, USA Today, and many other major metro newspapers. News magazines like Newsweek, Smithsonian, and Slate are also available. |
Project Gutenburg offers over 38,000 FREE ebooks!
You will find the world’s great literature here, with a focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Available formats include ePUB books and Kindle books, which you can download or read online. |
Yakima Memory is an online collaboration between Yakima Valley Libraries and the Yakima Valley Museum for the digitization, preservation, and distribution of historical materials held by both institutions. Here you will find digitized photographs, historical texts, memorabilia & ephemera, maps, and many more items of historical and cultural significance. |