Placing a Hold

    In order to offer the best service to all customers, resources available through Yakima Valley Libraries are distributed throughout a wide geographical area. Any circulating item can be reserved for personal use by a customer, regardless of location. Such a request is called a “Hold.”

    To Place a hold (request) on an item

    Search the library catalog for the item

    1. Click on the Place Request link under the title information.
    2. Click in the Barcode Number window and type in your barcode number.
    3. Click in the Password window and type in your password.(If you have forgotten your password, call your community library)
    4. Click on the down arrow next to the Pickup Library window and select the community library where you’d like to pick up the book.
    5. Click on Submit Request
    6. Or ask a staff member to help you

    When you are logged into your library account you can display the requests you have made. Requests can be suspended, reactivated, or cancelled while in your Patron Account Requests view. For each item, the requests view displays the format and title of the item, the pick-up library you designated, and the status of the request. You can also get more detailed information about each request. The following statuses are common listings:

    • Active – Your request for the item is active and the pick-up library will receive the item when it is available.
    • Inactive – A request for an item in the library system has an activation date in the future; for an interlibrary loan item, the library must review the request before it is sent.
    • Pending – An item has been requested within the library system, and the request is active.
    • Held – The item you requested has been located. The library notifies you when it is available for pick-up.
    • Received – An interlibrary loan item is in the library and is set aside for you to check out. (After you check out an interlibrary loan item, the request is no longer displayed.)
    • Not-Supplied – There are no items to fill a request that you placed in the library.
    • Cancelled – The request has been cancelled.

    The numbers in the Hold Position column indicate the status of your request compared to other patrons’ requests for the same item.

