Strategic Plan 2022-2024

The Strategic Plan was developed to shape the Library’s strategic direction and to define library goals, services, and programs that support the community.

The 2022-2024 YVL Strategic Plan is divided into four key areas:

Community Relations

  • GOAL #1: Develop more robust relationships with the diverse
    communities we serve.
  • GOAL #2: Increase visibility and awareness to the general
    public for the Library and its programs and services.

Technology and Access to the Online World

  • GOAL #1: Seek out and adopt new technologies that support
    customer access to all of our services and resources.

Safe and 

Welcoming Libraries

  • GOAL #1: Create library spaces where everyone is, and will
    feel, welcome.

Transparent and Sustainable Management of Library Resources

  • GOAL #1: Library financial resources effectively fund current
    work, meet community expectations, and support future
    growth (an ongoing process).
  • GOAL #2: Support staff in their work and growth.

For more details: 2022-2024 YVL STRATEGIC PLAN

